Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Wizard of Oz

Designer: Unknown
Release Date: August 25, 1939

There is motion and direction in this poster created by the music notes dancing from the top left of the poster all the way down to the bottom right. The same colors are used throughout the poster creating a sense of unity and balance.

North by Northwest

Designer: Saul Bass
Release Date: September 17, 1959

The use of black, white, and red create a nice contrast in the poster that draws your attention. It is also well balanced with a clear top, middle, and bottom. The use of the color red at the top, in the middle, and at the bottom ensures that our eyes move around the poster and keep coming back, but the large red square places emphasis on the middle of the poster where you see a character in black and white falling.

The Lost Boys

Poster Design:Intralink Film Graphic Design
Poster Artwork:John Alvin
Release Date: July 31, 1987

There is a lot of emphasis placed on the characters seen on the poster. To do this, the designer made the characters black and white and added a red background behind them. This makes them pop. There is also depth to this poster because you can see characters that are placed farther back and then characters that are up close.

The Spirit

Designer: Ignition Print
Release date: December 25, 2008

There is a lot of weight at the bottom of this movie poster due to the size of the words "My City Screams." There is also depth to this poster created by the varying black and grays.